Why Early Effort Can Yield Lasting Financial Success

the one thing that I love about money and personal finance is that a little bit of leg work on the front end has power to create such longterm success…

Do You Need to Quit Your Job to Make More Money?

Studies have shown that moving around different companies increases your salary by a larger percentage than just staying with one employer forever but I don't necessarily think that that's the…

Why Tracking Your Income Is Essential To Building Wealth

the third number you should be tracking is something that applies to almost everyone on Earth and that is your income your income is your largest wealth building tool it…

Why Tracking These Numbers is Key to Financial Success

the number two number that you should be tracking When You're Building Wealth and that is savings I always tell people to get a $1,000 emergency fund first and foremost…

How To Buy A House with No Credit Card

so ultimately you have to have three things number one proof of payment history so bring in at least four regular monthly payments that you have to make so that…

A Credit Score Is Not Your Friend (Here’s Why)

here are a couple other things to consider number one a credit score is not your friend so the FICO score didn't even exist until 1989 and now it's this…

The Truth About Building Wealth

I want you to think of five really wealthy people in your head right now like just real quick go all right you're probably thinking like Bill Gates Kim Kardashian…

Ask Yourself This Important Question

so ask yourself this question what are the non-negotiable experiences that you want out of life so if you're single and you could do this with a friend or a…

Why Are Millionaires Leaving Their Kids Nothing?

[Music] hey you guys okay so sometimes on this channel we talk about food you know we talk about grocery store savings affordable meals but I'm pretty sure talking about…

How To Go From Average to Millionaire

on average people who work the baby steps will reach millionaire status in about 18 years and this is possible through having no debt having a paid off house that's…