This Makes People Think You’re Better Looking?!
giving the money away consistently makes people happier healthier there's even research that shows that when you give money away people think you're better looking really yeah I I Got…

Don’t Take This Satisfaction from Your Kids
you earned your success and it's the source of your incredible satisfaction and you're not letting them earn their success why are you taking away that satisfaction from your kids…

Mother Nature Has Programmed This Into Us
what does your brain want you to do now mother nature programs into you that you need to survive pass on your genes and rise in hierarchy that's what Mother…

Why 51% of Americans Are Struggling In Their Finances
[Music] well hey you guys so I came across some pretty eye openening insights in our recent ramsy research that I wanted to share with you because we wanted to…

5 Things You Can Do With Money
what do you do with money such that it you're not fooled and that you can actually become happier in how you use it there's five things you can do…

You Can Have A Lot Of Money And Still Have This Problem!
you can have a lot of money and still be crummy with money the reason is because money makes you more of who you are that's right anything of these…

The Viral Money Trend I’m Loving Right Now
[Music] hey you guys so we all know that there's a new consumerism trend on the internet like every 5 seconds and every once in a while though jiny gets…

Did You Know That Target Has This?!
5% savings from the Target Red Card the debit card of course yes y'all they have a debit card it's fantastic and also it applies to the Starbucks that is…

This Is A Great Place To Buy Shoes!
Target shoe shopping is great when you are in a pinch I put this on Instagram a few weeks ago quick and easy pretty inexpensive like they're very affordable and…

This Lifestyle Habit Will Wreck Your Happiness!
I had to put groceries on my credit card I had to pay a bill with a credit card okay those are special cases that's not the vast majority of…