On Average, You Should Have This Much In Savings
the median income in America for a single adult is about $62,000 a year so if that's you then after taxes you're bringing home about $4,000 a month if you…

Want To Save Over $100,000? Do This First!
paying off debt is baby step two and it's going to be almost impossible to build wealth and to save six figures if debt payments are constantly draining you financially…

How Gen Z Plans To Retire Early
I recently saw an article saying that Jin Z expects to be able to retire by 61 which obviously sounds great at first but then I started to wonder are…

Proven Ways to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
[Music] well hey you guys so no matter what the latest stats are saying when it comes to inflation or the housing market one thing that has always been true…

Retiring Is Out And Soft Saving Is In!
Jen Z is hopping on a trend called Soft saving so apparently retiring is out and soft saving is in Jin years between the ages of 18 and 25 are…

Gen Z Thinks They’re Going To Retire Early?
according to a recent Yahoo finance article on average gen Z adults reported that they expect to retire by 61 but there's a catch 99% of JZ also reported saying…

Beginner-Friendly Budget-Making Tips
some of you are thinking okay so how do I make a budget Step One is list your income for the month again think of your paycheck if you are…

How Spending to Save Can Be a Smart Move
we all want to save money and it's even better when you save money when it's actually through a few products that can actually help you in life and it…

Improve Your Life with These Money Tips (Part 2)
number eight track your progress number nine create a miscellaneous category number 10 cut up your credit cards use a debit card number 11 use cash for the categories that…

If Your Income Fluctuates, You Need to Know This
some of the places that is tough when it comes to budgeting is if you have an inconsistent income so if you do have an inconsistent income like you freelance…