[Music] well hey you guys so one thing about me I believe two things can be true at the same time do I believe that you can have the power to build wealth by following a plan and making intentional choices yes do I believe in listening to expert advice to guide you through certain parts of the process also yes so even though money can feel very personal and private for a lot of people the truth is is that a financial advisor is a must especially when it comes to investing so today I want to talk about that and share five reasons why you should never handle your finances alone a lot of people assume that this service is only for the extremely wealthy people that that that's what they need but the truth is it's wise to get a coach or somebody in your corner at any stage of your financial Journey we've already done the work to find someone that you can trust but technically there is a right and a wrong time to invest so stay tuned till the end so you can hear my thoughts on that but first let's make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to what a financial advisor is the term financial advisor isn't an official title or degree it's just the name of people who offer some kind of service to those seeking Guidance with their personal finances so a few examples of this is a CPA a certified public accountant an raia A registered investment advisor a cfp a certified financial planner a PFS a personal finance specialist and all of those abbreviations can kind of get confusing but it's encouraging to me to know there are experts out there who are talking about money they're being educated on it they got to take a lot of tests and all this smart stuff so listen they know what they're doing but my favorite way to find a trustworthy adviser is through smart Vestor Pro so I will leave a link for you to get connected with a professional in your area down below now let's talk about five key reasons why why you need to work with a pro Number One Financial Advisors keep you on track with your investing plan so in short financial advisers are constantly asking the important questions that you may not even think to ask and beyond that they will know the specific answers and the specific numbers for your situation so for example they may have Insider information in how much money that you need to have save for retirement or how you can make up for lost time if you're investing late should you change your Investment Portfolio as you get older you're making more money how do you go about making some of these changes what are the tax implications you know what happens if you sell a property I mean the list goes on and on and on so if you don't believe me go do a quick Google search because the data consistently shows that those that work with a professional to help them invest are ahead of those that don't all right number two financial advisers do more than just invest your money for you so there is a broad list of things that a financial professional will do for for you and help you think about this is everything from rebalancing your Investments tax planning estate planning long-term care planning spending strategies after retirement legal restrictions that affect all of the things that we just mentioned I mean financial advisors literally live and breathe the stuff so it doesn't mean that you don't get a say in your own strategy in fact in fact I want to empower you it is your money they are there to assist and advise not make the final call so just because you're a financial you know professional said oh yeah you need to do this I want you to understand why and if you don't feel good about it don't do it okay now they are professionals they know what they're doing so I want you to be able to trust them but also remember this is your money you have the power to say yes or no all right number three even the pros need help sometimes I mean you think about doctors can't perform surgeries on them I mean graduate students you know don't grade their own essays so no matter what industry you're in everyone has blind spots so even if you work in the world of Finance or maybe you're good with money having an expert's opinion is really crucial when you're making big financial decisions plus professional financial advisers often work with up to 100 clients or more which gives them a much larger amount of context than just again your personal perspective and your opinions and they're unbiased when it comes to their expertise across the board and again this is whether they are paid even how they're paid right a flat fee or a commission finding someone that you trust is so so key all right number four you just don't have the time let's be honest if you're working a full-time job you got friends you got family you got a million other things to be thinking about investing is a really big part of Building Wealth and you want to do it the right way and it also can be something that you just put on autopilot most days but this only works if a professional is on your team and they're constantly looking at all of the factors when you don't have time to analyze them so things like inflation and stock market trends and the housing climate like all of this yes I want you to be informative but again they're going to have a deeper understanding which is great number five financial advisors that make non-emotional decisions so you don't have to lose progress so just like t-swift's Tour the World of investing has some eras to it if you know what I mean so like the stock market drop in ' 08 the rise and the fall of crypto the game stop Spike 2021 I mean all of these things are are factors into our economy but here's the deal the flashy headlines can really stir up some big emotion which causes people to make really bad decisions and pull their money out when they should have just stayed in and investing works best if you're in it for the long haul which means working with a professional can you can talk yourself down our investment professional we meet with he even said the other day he's like half my job is literally emailing and taking phone calls talking people off the ledge because people freak out they do and they want to take the money out but what your investment professional or adviser is going to see is oh my gosh if we stay in the market we actually can end up buying more funds your money will go further so when the market returns which it has always returned you're going to make more so it's best just to ride out the wave okay now that you have more of an understanding of why it's important to work with an investment professional let's talk about when and how you should reach out to a pro so when this this is when you are debt-free and you have 3 to 6 months of expenses saved in the bank this is crucial then your goal is to invest 15% of your income into two retirements so this is going to include 401ks and 403bs and Roth IRAs all of that and once investing begins then I would reach out to a pro so next is how so how do you find a reliable financial adviser in your area well I will leave a link to Smart Vestor Pros down below so what's really powerful though is I would go and talk to maybe two or three different ones and maybe one of them you're kind of like they kind of just you don't like them that's fine don't use them find somebody that you actually like and that you trust and makes you feel comfortable and again has the heart of a teacher but I want one for you that you enjoy and you trust and you love if you're looking for more investing advice make sure to check out my episode on how investing can actually lose you money all right you guys remember to take control of your money and create a life you love