and S and I every year we have what's called a dream date so we go out to dinner and we just take money off the table and we're just like hey what do we want our life to look like like what do we want to do this summer what do we want to do this year in the next 5 years like this is like even how our pool came about like out of one of these dates 5 years ago and so it's just a really fun way just to let your mind just kind of go and we've decided to do this with our kids we've not done it yet so I will definitely update you on how it goes but I just want to hear from them like hey if there were something that we were to do next month as a family what would it be now obviously we're probably not going to be able to do what they say if they're like we want to go to an island or whatever right and you're like we can't do that but what are ways that we can take what they want kind of scratch that same imch in a different way but just allow them to practice dreaming and talking about hey what do they want to do in life and how can we help that as parents and even put it in the budget again it does not have to be huge or expensive but I do like the idea of bringing our kids into those kind of conversations