This Is Why You Should Pay Off Your House ASAP!

one of the biggest push backs I always get when I talk about paying your house off early is everyone's like yeah but if you could have your money in the market and it's making you know a 10 11% return and if your interest rate if you got your mortgage you know a few years ago and it was 2 to 3% you're missing like a 7 to 8% spread that you could be making money but my question back always is if your house was paid off would you borrow on your house to go and invest in the market the answer is usually no and even when I said what if your house was paid off did you just feel a a little bit of like oh my gosh there is something about peace of mind when you don't owe anyone anything and people that do the Ramy baby steps once they get to baby step 6 on average they're paying their house off in 7 to 9 years incredible absolutely incredible so do it you guys work your way where you don't owe anyone anything and then your income is all yours and you get to decide what to do with it so remember you guys when it comes to money it's not always about the math and the percentages

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