number eight track your progress number nine create a miscellaneous category number 10 cut up your credit cards use a debit card number 11 use cash for the categories that you tend to overspend on number 12 if you don't like using paper with your budget then do it online I mentioned every dollar earlier but it is the best budgeting tool out there number 13 quit the comparisons this will help you keep your budget goals intact because it is easy to look at what everyone else has and when you do that you tend to overspend and bust the budget which again is number 14 set some goals and last but not least number 15 give yourself some Grace the first 90 days you guys it's going to be hard but push through cuz once you get in the Rhythm and you start actually winning with your money and you're going down the baby steps and you're getting out of debt and you're doing all this I'm telling you it starts to happen it starts to become more and more natural