I’m Just Going to Say This Out Loud for All of Us…

just say something that we all know but I'm going to just say it out loud for all of us what you see on here on social media is not the whole picture Okay this summer you are going to have a feed full of experiences that people you know and don't know are on whether it's vacations whether it looks like a beautiful afternoon splashing in the pool with their children and like you're going to see some stuff and you're going to maybe think wow my life isn't that great remember they're humans too they fight with their spouse their kids are insane they may go into debt for some of these experiences maybe they saved for a full year and sacrificed like just remember you're not seeing the whole picture of someone's life so let's learn to love our lives put the blinders on if we need to find gratitude levels of contentment with our lives and what we have be excited for people celebrate them don't judge but also know you're not seeing the full picture so friendly reminder as we kick off summer

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