I'm lying in bed last night I was like oh Winston I need your debit card um because mine is not working through this thing and he's like what's what is it and I was like well I got a text from USPS and my address I guess I entered it wrong so they're having me refill out my address and now to resend the package it's going to cost 30 cents and so I put in my debit card information but then First Horizon like never gave me a verification code like it said it would so I did it again I did it again I did so let me try your debit card and see if it goes through I look at the address and it's like X4 924 b c d/ some crazy email address.com when was like babe that's a scammer and I was like no no what was I thinking I wasn't I was in the middle of something and I'm trying to get things done totally got scammed so here's your PSA warning don't put your debit card information or your credit card information you shouldn't have credit card but don't put your money information into a r text message that you get without really verifying that this is a authentic company or place or person they have a crazy email address with a bunch of letters and numbers yeah they're probably not legit I've done episodes on my show about this and here I am so there's a fair warning unbelievable