[Music] well hey you guys Merry Christmas is it just not the best I hope that you are having a wonderful time with friends and family and if you're anything like me Christmas specifically Christmas Day it just brings out all the Nostalgia and since Christmas music has been a part of so many great Christmas Memories over the years I thought I would reminisce on some of my favorite Christmas songs so today and that' be fun for me to challenge myself to see if I can guess the right lyrics to a few of the throwback Classics so play along if you want to and stick around to here at the very end of all of this my number one tip for being successful on Christmas day now don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend all right before we get to the guessing game I did want to take a moment and just say thank you this is getting always towards the end of the year when it's Christmas Day and you know it's been a it's been a big year guys and so for those of you that have followed along um have watched the videos listened to the podcast always thank you for the support but more importantly I hope that the content that we've put out into the world is helping you and your family because finding peace in your life is something that was really important to me and specifically with this podcast and this channel it is finding peace when it comes to your money so thanks again for always tuning in I really really do appreciate it okay so we are going to play this fun game we are ready for the musical lyrical game and my team said hey we're going to pick out some Classics you know maybe a little pop culture maybe not we will see of some Christmas songs and let me see if I know the lyrics to these famous songs so let's play the first [Music] song everything's okay Merry Christmas and happy holidays H H I got that check check check thank you in sync thank you very much happy holidays to you as well God what a great one okay [Music] next right would always win love would never end this is my Grown-Up Christmas List ah thumbs up from the back oh my gosh Amy Grant now that is a uh that is a cassette tape playing in the ramsy living room that is that's where she comes into my life sweet Amy Grant okay let's do the next one I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa W you bring me the one I really need please oh man I lost it okay everyone see I hear the Sligh bells ringing Santa Won't you bring me the one I really need won't you please bring me my baby to me oh gosh you know what I feel like these are one of these songs that you have in life and you kind of just make up the lyrics to some words I feel like I never know where the exact lyrics of that that part of the song oh my gosh oh Mariah Cary all I want for Christmas is you I mean when she comes out my my K my girl even though that song is so funny to me before we keep going on with the songs I do want to tell you about one of our sponsors Christian Healthcare Ministries so just about everything costs more these days so if you're looking for your healthc care options during open enrollment check out Christian Healthcare Ministries chm is not health insurance it's a biblically based Health cost sharing ministry that's helped hundreds of thousands of families like yours with healthc care costs without sacrificing Freedom you can join chm at any time time like now so learn more at chministries.org budget that's chministries.org budgets all right next song this is a fun game uh something that these shoes are just her size uh will you hurry sir M doesn't have that much time it's not funny uh H you pretty much got is that it let's see sir I want to buy these shoes for Mom please it's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just for size oh that was very close man what a sad sad song I mean way to bring the Christmas Joys Christmas Shoes oh God bless all right this is a good one should you happy tonight uh you're all that I need underneath the tree is that it no no not at all no presents what a beautiful sight Don't Mean a Thing If you ain't holding me tight Oh wow was way off Kelly Clarkson that's a great song Too underneath the tree all right okay last one obviously not good with music we're seeing [Music] [Applause] that wow I'm worried I can't [Music] sleep I genuinely don't think I've ever heard that song I don't think I've ever heard of the song White Christmas but is it white Christmas no no no it's from the film White Christmas okay um we put the lyric is this a famous song Count Your Blessings everyone can sing this song uh not the whole thing I know the beginning if I play this song everyone in this room would know the lyrics of this song what oh my gosh never have I ever okay I count my blessings instead of sleep sheep oh wow wow well there there we have it all right obviously not great at Lyrics Always but Christmas music is still I mean it's it's still the best and I will uh give credit to my team that they picked out every one of those songs so thank you thank you for that guys all right so when it comes to having a successful Christmas always remember this is about being with friends and family and those things don't cost a thing right when you actually enjoy and appreciate the things that money can't buy like that is where tremendous Joy comes from and of course the reason for the season always the birth of Jesus and the fact that we get to celebrate the beginning of his life on this Earth so I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas and I cannot wait to see what next year holds so always remember to take control of your money and create a life you love