and I were working out this morning we're working out three times a week we're investing in a trainer like we're doing it we've been doing it for a while now and it's been great well this morning she wanted us to jump rope in one of the circuits like 50 and then you do two other things come back 50 sure I'm on number 20ish something starts coming out of me I was like am I peeing right now I did what so I told I was like I think I just peed on myself round two comes around for sure like started at like number three jump and I'm like oh my gosh what is happening and then by the third I was like did my water just break am I about to have a baby am I going to be one of these women on the news that has a baby in her driveway and I'm pregnant I don't even know it like crazy and I was like this is what they talk about trampolines jump roping what so I was like what's hard is I was doing something good for myself I was choosing the healthy option of working out and this is what happens I just thought you know what a lesson in life whether it's parenting your money your budget doesn't work this month that wasn't pretty no but you know what you you're budgeting right and you're working out but you pee on yourself but you know what you're working out like it's not going to be pretty it's not going to be a pretty Journey going down the healthy option in life choosing those healthy habits I think is what's key and I think it's what counts right it's not be pretty but at least at least we're at least we're we're on the right path