9 Questions to Help You Choose the Right Financial Advisors

[Music] so managing money comes with a lot of personal responsibility that's why it's called personal finance and parts though when it comes to our money are very very complicated and it could end up costing you thousands of dollars if you don't know the right way to do things or have the right people in your corner cuz again personal finance is a lot about common sense building habits but there's these little pieces of it that can get really complicated really fast so that's why I recommend working with a pro because part of Building Wealth is getting into those complicated areas and making sure that you're doing it correctly and people that live and breathe this stuff in these specific areas are going to be able to help you so today I'm going to share Three Financial Pros that you need in your life and three important questions to ask each of them to determine if they are a right fit for you now before we begin make sure to subscribe and share this episode with a friend who you think may find this useful all right first Up is real estate so finding a great real estate agent is something I recommend because when it comes to your house it is going to be for most people the largest purchase you ever make and if you sell your house hopefully it has gone up in value so you're going to you know have some Equity there and you want to make sure that you're selling it in the right way for the best price so anything dealing with real estate I usually recommend always H hiring a real estate agent to help you in this process for both selling and buying so if you are working with a real estate agent and you start interviewing a couple here are some questions that you can ask them ask them how many houses they have sold in the last year because that's going to give you a great indicator on how much inventory they're doing and honestly probably how great they are at selling I would also ask them what their schedule and availability looks like because when you get into the real estate agent World there are some really high performers and this is their full-time career and it's like 7 a week they're there for you if they're your client it's like they're just you know they're running and gunning where some people are like oh they only want to sell a few houses a year and they're going to be more strict with their schedule because they're just doing this part-time so it's good for you to know on the front end and then also when it comes to real estate percentages when it comes to commission it's gotten a little complicated over the last few months so I would go ahead and just ask upfront what their expectation is so those are some questions that you can ask but again when it comes to any of these Pros interview a couple of them when it comes to real estate agents and find the one that fits best with you because if you are in the home buying or home selling Market you're probably going to be with this person a lot and there's going to be a lot of communication so make sure that you like them all right before I share more about some other Financial Pros you need in your life I want to tell you about one of our sponsors delete me onethird of the US population's background info is now public so for 115 million of us data breaches mean that our info is out there for anyone to find so this is stuff like our names and addresses and phone numbers and more and this is why I love delete me because they find and remove information from hundreds of data broker websites that will buy sell and trade your personal data so take control of your online privacy with delete me individual delete me plans start as low as $9 a month sign up today at join delet me.com Rachel for 20% off or click the link in the description they're amazing so make sure to check them out all right the next Pro you need in your life is a tax professional so having somebody to look over your taxes because we don't want to mess this up now there is a case for some of you out there that self- filing may make sense so if you don't have a very complicated system when it comes to your taxes it's like yeah you you know maybe just work a 40 hour a week job and there's no freelancing or there's no like extra income coming in elsewhere where you know not multiple Properties or anything and it's you know you haven't had a baby or you haven't gotten married like it's a pretty simple filing situation but if you do have a little bit more of a complicated situation or maybe you're just a little concerned and you're like I'd rather sit down with a human then getting a tax professional on your side is really key so some questions to ask a tax professional as you start digging into this I would ask how many clients do they balance at once uh because again you'll kind of understand the firm maybe that they're working for or if there's multiple um Pros there if it's just them just kind of getting an idea of their time frame uh and their ability to work with you depending on how busy they are I would also ask how much experience that they have with clients who may have complicated Financial situations so this is everything from moving States you know taxes can change there selling a business if you get a divorce so kind of knowing that they've been in the industry for a bit is always helpful because if you ever run into a situ that gets more complicated trust me you want a good tax bro on your side if that ever comes up and then I would also just ask them how often do they recommend meeting because if you do want someone face to face you do want a tax Pro that will sit down with you in person or over Zoom or however you choose to do it but some level of communication uh if you're looking over different things or something comes up in your life that you're able to go and like talk to them and that they're available so again interview a couple find the one that you like but especially if you have a complicated tax situation have a pro in your corner so you don't mess it up because taxes they can be complicated they can be simple but they can also be complicated and if it's complicated we want to make sure we're doing it right so we don't go to jail this is what we want to avoid we want to avoid penalties and late fees all the things doing our taxes on time and the right way is very important all right another Pro that I really think you need in your life is a smart investor Pro so this is someone who's going to help you when it comes to your investing and usually an investment professional is going to look over your entire Financial scope this is everything from like estate planning they may even talk about wills they could even talk about taxes with you I mean they you're giving so much happens when you have an investment professional on your side so as you start entering the investment world it's a great time to get an investment professional all right before I share my three questions I would ask a tax Pro as I'm interviewing them just remember meet with them in person and see if you genuinely like them I think even more than real estate and tax I think your investment professional you want to like and if you feel like they're sley or you don't like them you don't trust them like get out now find someone that you enjoy because the goal is to be with this person for decades to come that they're going to be walking with you through your financial life um and I think it's really important that you have a good feeling about them so three questions I would ask them as you're interviewing them um I would ask how they're compensated you know some investment professionals are paid a fee some are off of commission um it that this would not be a make or break for me I think either way is fine but it's always good to know we had a call recently on the Ramsey Show and this guy inherited $2 million must be nice right $2 million from his parents and when they passed and the guy that he was using for his investment professional you know he put the money and invested and the guy's fee went up you know up to like 5% I think is what he was taking out so it went up a lot when he put $2 million and he was like am I getting the value of of this and so like it was just good questions to ask so I think the way they're compensated could make you maybe feel a certain way but also to know the value that you're getting and that you feel good about that is really important they're going to get paid you're going to pay them for them helping you so that's 100% okay and great just making sure you feel good about it on the front end is important also I would ask if they understand and respect your goals so if you're doing your money the Ramsay way and you are you know trying to pay off your house you're investing 15% of your income you know you're doing some things in a specific order and that's where your values are that's the choices you're making that they honor that because you will meet some investment professionals that're like why would you pay off your house you could keep all that money in the market you know say you had $200,000 you could just keep it in the market and it could be making 10 to 12% why would you ever take that off and pay off your house you had a great rate at 3% why would you why would you do that so like mathematically like I get what they're saying and that's a big argument we always have but if you have an investment professional that that's where lean all the time then it's going to conflict with what you want to do if one of your goals is yeah I want to be completely debt free that's all I want to do is like pay off my house that's my next big goal and if they don't understand and respect that that's going to cause you to butt head so make sure they know your plan CU remember they are working for you this is your money so make sure that they respect your plan and then I would also ask them just the range of income and assets they have for other clients they serve because I think it is important as you level up and you continue to grow financially that they have the bandwidth to be able to help you in more complicated situations because as your wealth grows and maybe you start diversifying different things and there's different you know things with texes like there's so much that can get really complicated making sure that they've done this a lot and they're able to walk with you very smoothly in the wisest best way when it comes to Building Wealth so we have real estate and tax Pros that are ramsy trusted so if you're looking for a great real estate agent or tax Pro we have multiple in different zip codes or different areas around the country so click the link below to find one and also if you're looking for a smart Vestor Pro when it comes to your investing in your overall Financial picture I'll also put a link down there as well all right I think getting connected again to these Pros is really really key because they're going to be able to help you in these areas that can start to get complicated when it comes to your money and having a person that you trust and that you know is so knowledgeable to help teach you and guide you is so so key all right you guys remember to take control of your money and create a life you love

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