[Music] well hey you guys so one thing is for sure is that it's easy to feel a little on edge right now in life because the election is right around the corner and listen our money and how we deal with our money our money wo our money Pros is what I was going to say our successes failures all of it it can feel like it's getting so caught up in the season that we're in with election stuff happening so I don't know about you but even when I've already made up my mind on who I'm probably going to vote for I still catch myself being swept up you know in all the social media and the posts and all of it and you kind of feel like to a point oh my gosh is the whole world just going to crash if this one person here or there gets elected so everyone let's just take a deep breath and let's get back to centered shall we all together now cuz listen if you know me you know that I love politics I do I watch the debate I'm going to vote in fact a little fun fact about Rachel is one day I will be working the polling stations one of those old ladies sitting there helping get you in the booth I'm called to it and I will be there one day okay so I'm all about it I love it so much but I also think we can get a little crazy during this time so I want to just give us some truths around politics and our money today and there's three truths that again I want to share and actually pair them with some of my favorite movie quotes So it's going to be fun buckle up but we're all going to get through this together and if you enjoy this content make sure to hit that subscribe button so that you get more content like this all right number one quote is you can't trust anybody you cannot trust anybody ever do you remember that quote it's from one of my favorite movies bridesmaides and Kristen wig who is hilarious she's in the jewelry store with a little couple that's like engaged look at at rings and she's like trying to like kind of talk them out of it because of her own woes and life and like anyways it is so funny but you can't trust anybody I think it's a really good quote for our world today because let's be honest when you turn on a certain News Channel you're probably going to get a certain message right and I think we're we've all know this but again it's anything from the house to the Senate to the Supreme Court to Fox News to CNN to social media I mean everywhere you look when it comes to this world of politics there's going to be biases okay and let's be honest too people make money when they kind of stir the pot so naturally they're going to stir the pot and our emotions are going to go crazy so what I have found to do in my life since you can't trust anybody is to find people that you do trust right and this could be you know family members a friend a mentor like somebody that really has a level head about them and that again is informed I think on all the spectrums when it comes to these issues and to say okay yeah I want to learn from them and I want again for me somebody that has the facts and that as least biased as possible because again I think then you can take in your own convictions your own perspective and match with that but if you find yourself just listening to people that just believe what you believe I have found I'm going to challenge myself and shift a little bit and say hey I'm curious over here right just like Ted lasso says don't be judgmental be curious so I think that's really important during this time and finding those trusted voices is so so key all right number two is drama drama drama this is from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days it's a quote I say a lot around um life so I'm always like drama drama drama drama drama drama talk about drama love drama a I love sometimes you know when you know there's ruffled feathers on both sides and you're like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you kind of you get on board and like oh yeah all the drama the drama drama but if we can just be honest here right don't yell at me but like Trump did not start World War 3 when he was in office and Biden did not make us a communist country now I'm probably to get screamed at from both sides of that but here's the thing you guys even though I love a great conspiracy theory like I'm all about it usually the extremes don't come true it ends up usually hitting somewhere in the middle so don't let your heightened emotions just turn you into a monster in your own life okay cuz the truth is again these extremes on both sides probably realistically are not going to happen in the next four years so let's be realistic and don't get mad at people that maybe think differently than you it is so sad how many times relationships are absolutely ruined because of a political stance so don't do that in your life okay so we can all look and see and be like oh man we can just you know give a smile just say drum Dr drama drama but I think we're all going to be okay I really do so don't get too cray cray and lose relationships over this stuff okay all right before I share my third movie quote I want to tell you about one of our sponsors Christian healthc Care Ministries so when you go against what Society thinks is quote normal like avoiding debt for example it might seem weird at first and that is totally okay so we want you to be weird if that means that you're doing things intentionally including how you spend your Healthcare dollars and one way to be intentional with Christian Healthcare Ministries chm isn't health insurance but they are a health cost sharing ministry that's helped hundreds of thousands of families like yours take care of health care costs without sacrificing their freedom so Program start as low as $98 a month and you can find out more and join at chministries.org budget that's chministries.org budget all right the third movie quote for this political season is there's no place like home thank you Dorothy and the wi deser of O there's no place like home there's no place like home I really do believe what happens in your house is way more important and more significant to your life than who is in the white house so yes inflation is real yes political leaders have lost their marbles you know to an extent right yes taxes can change year to year and term to term but overall what is happen in your house specifically when it comes to your money it comes back on you and your money habits how you view Money how you're dealing with your money so in the long run in the next you know 5 10 15 20 years what you do with your paycheck is going to have a lot more of an effect on your life than the president that is sitting in the white house and my dad always says this and I think it's true he's like Rachel listen I did dumb things with money under Clinton and I did smart things with money under Clinton I did smart things under Bush and I did dumb things under Bush like I did smart things under Obama dumb things under Obama I mean I mean it put any president in there and what we choose to do with our money again day in and day out is not going to so much be affected by who's sitting in Washington DC but it's more about what you're doing so listen yes hardship and privilege are real but you always have to remember that you have more control over your money than you think you do and the moment you start delegating that control and that power back to people sitting in Washington DC the least progress you're going to see like there is something powerful about saying yes some of these things are happening and they could affect me right to a degree but the bulk of the outcome of my life has to do with me and I think that is so so key you guys so again getting yourself out of debt and getting margin back in your budget which again I know it takes sacrific and on average 18 to 24 months of work a lot of hard work but man that's where you're going to see a difference you're going to feel peace when you save up money and have an emergency fund in the bank you know when you're planning ahead and looking and saying hey you know everything from retirement to doing an every dollar budget for this month like whatever it is that you're doing you are taking control of your money and that is so so important to your life so I'm just curious to know what helps you guys though stay sayane and in control during hectic Seasons like this so if you have a comment or even a great movie quote drop that down below because again it is very important I don't want to shy away cuz I think it is a privilege that we are able in this country to go and vote for the leadership of the country that we believe in and all of it so I do take it seriously I love it I think it's great but I also want us to just take a deep breath and realize you know honestly what is going to change in my life and what are things that I can do what I can control and focus and put my energy towards those and if you haven't yet caught my episode on how you financially compare to the average of American make sure to click that next or if you are in podcast listening on podcast click the link below and make sure to share this episode with a friends who may you know need a great Refresh on their mindset when it comes to our world today all right you guys remember to take control of your money and create a life you love