These Are The Most Important Things In Your Budget!
step two is to take care of your four walls so these are the four most important things that you have to have these are your four walls it's food…

Another Fee Stores Are Charging You
number two the restocking fee so alongside with shipping cost stores are now experiencing an increase of labor cost for all the workers they now need to handle all these…

Pay To Return Fees?!
number three return fees so 81% of retailers have implemented a pay to return policy in 20123 y that's a huge percentage and again if you're like me and online…

Why Stores Are Shortening Their Return Windows
number four shortened return Windows some of the stores are now adjusting the window you're able to bring money back this is because for these smaller stores these boutiques can't…

Political Money Facts That Will Shock You
[Music] well hey you guys so the election it's coming up and one thing that I always find fascinating is that when I can see numbers like when it comes…

How The Popularity Of Online Shopping Is Robbing You!
number one shipping costs not refunded so online shopping has been really popular but there's a trend that stores again are feeling the cost of having to ship things to…

Another Fee Stores Are Charging You
number two the restocking fee so alongside with shipping cost stores are now experiencing an increase of labor cost for all the workers they now need to handle all these…

More Stores Are Doing This To Keep Your Money
all right number five store credit only so if you think about that same small town Boutique that we just talked about well chances are they also have a store…

New Build vs. Pre-Owned Home: Which Should You Buy?
[Music] well hey you guys so if you live in a rapidly growing area like us here in Nashville then you probably heard your friends debate all kinds of different…

Anthropologie’s Return Policy Is The Best In The Game!
I have a story about one of my co-workers who's a big fan of anthropology for years anthro return policy was one of the best in the game you could…