Remember Your Why!
step nine is to remember your why when you want to be wise with your money and you say Okay I want to get in control of this area of…

Do THIS Or You Will Always Live Paycheck to Paycheck
step seven is to live below your means because if you don't you're never going to get out of that paycheck to paycheck cycle it's going to be this constant…

It’s Time To Change Your Mindset!
step eight is to save up for big purchases a TV or a refrigerator to a car like a lot of people are used to just going into debt for…

Is It Still Possible for Gen X to Retire?
[Music] well hey you guys so I was recently thinking about a specific group of people that I hear on the ramsy show a lot because we talk about retirement…

This Is The Debt You Should Attack First!
the debt snowball and this is where you're going to list out all of your debts smallest to largest regardless of the interest rate pay minimum payments on everything and…

Increasing Your Income Is Huge!
step six is to increase your income and that could be taking on a side hustle like whatever you have to do again to create some of that extra income…

Do This To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck!
step three to stop living paycheck to paycheck is to cut extra expenses so if you have things in your life again this could be some wants that have kind…

This Is One Of The Biggest Mistakes People Make!
step one to stop living paycheck to paycheck is to get on a budget the budget is the thing that is going to help you have a plan for your…

Having Savings Is Huge!
step four is to start an emergency fund so having savings is huge so your emergency fund is really your safety net between you and life so if you are…

Too Many People Are Living This Way!
one thing that has always been true is that too many people are living paycheck to paycheck and here's the deal at all income levels all ages we see that…