Cars Are Going To Break!
but also have a maintenance line item budget because cars are going to break so whether it's tires or God forbid like engines or something right things are going to…

This Lifestyle Habit Will Wreck Your Happiness!
I had to put groceries on my credit card I had to pay a bill with a credit card okay those are special cases that's not the vast majority of…

How Debt Ruins Your Happiness
debt is incredibly bad for your happiness I mean I've got tons of data that show that the the feeling of helplessness and the the regress that happens when you're…

What Would You Say To This?
all right you guys if an investment professional approached you and said hey I want you to invest $1,600 a year and by the end of the first year the…

$300-$500 Every Month?
40% say that they have had a monthly car payment of that 40% with a car payment 46% of them said that they were spending anywhere from $300 to $500…

Is a $300 Kids’ Birthday Party Too Far? (My Reaction)
[Music] well hey you guys so I recently saw a stat saying that parents spend on average $314 on their kids' birthday parties and I'm be honest with all the…

I Had To Do This As A Little Girl
Financial Peace University yep I had to take this as a wee little girl as you can imagine so FPU is a nine lesson personal finance course that goes over…

Sitting Down With A Professional Is Important!
having somebody that does this professionally I think is really important especially when it comes to your investing to sit down with them and they again they live in this…

This Is Your First Step Into Therapy
if you've not read this book it is kind of like your first step into therapy if you've never really dug into that space of life it is so good….

This Is A Huge Help!
when you can understand oh my gosh I go out sideways when this happens or that or why am I doing this it just helps you overall become aware and…