Your Income Is Not What Makes You Feel Financially Secure
there is no magic number when it comes to feeling financially secure some people feel great and they're making you know $60,000 $70,000 some people are feeling stressed making $200,000…

The Real Reason Everyone Seems Wealthier Than You
[Music] hey you guys do you ever look around and just feel like God everybody around me feels wealthier than I am well if that's you today I want to…

This Simple Trick Gets You Target Coupons Every Time!
when you download the target Circle app you also put in your phone number and coupons will automatically be there for the purchases that you're buying there at checkout so…

This Target Policy Is Amazing!
you can bring back any unopened pack of diapers even if they weren't purchased from Target and you can receive store credit for whatever the target value of that diaper…

Create Your First Budget In 5 Simple Steps
[Music] well hey you guys if you're a regular around here then you know that I talk a lot about budgeting when it comes to Building Wealth because it's one…

What I Love About Target’s Return Policy!
14 days is a really small return window especially if you're buying a gift or testing out a new piece of furniture at home you know maybe you haven't you…

Do You Tithe Before Or After Taxes?
when I became an economist you know I I remember asking my dad you know it's just about this tithing you know cuz I was doing work on it was…

Why Americans Are Spending Money Faster Than Ever Before
[Music] hey you guys so recent data is finding that fewer people are shopping in store than they were just 20 years ago but studies are also finding that consumers…

Giving Money Away Makes You More Money?!
when you witness yourself solving problems you have greater agency you're a person who's more effective and so there's all these data that show that if you give more one…

Why The Target Debit Card Is SO Amazing!
5% savings from the Target Red Card the debit card of course yes y'all they have a debit card it's fantastic and also it applies to the Starbucks that is…