It’s Not Worth It for Me!

last time you sold something online to a stranger I'm I'm not gonna lie I ever I don't uh Winston has I don't know if I have because here's the…

What Your 7 Money Tendencies Say About You

[Music] did you know that there are seven money tendencies that everyone has well I wrote a book a few years ago called know yourself know your money and that…

The Truth About Online Shopping

new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that stores are seeing significantly less traffic than just a few decades ago but the price of daily Essentials has gone…

Marketing Tactics Will Always Be Sneaky

so when it comes to spending money the landscape will always be changing and your job is to adapt and to keep your habits in check no matter what technology…

The Reason Knowing Your “Why” Is So Important

when you're buying stuff why are you buying it are you doing it because you're bored maybe because you're sad maybe because you think like okay this will fulfill me…

Manage Your Money So You Never Go Broke

[Music] all right if you're watching this video or any video on Personal Finance maybe you just want one thing to know how not to go broke and listen let's…

How a Mortgage Actually Works

[Music] so the real estate world has a lot of kind of confusing terms and it can feel like buying a home is very intimidating because it's like this whole…

“We’ve Been Married 8 Years And He Refuses To Do This!”

he makes about 250,000 a year and refuses to give me um access to the finances we've been married for eight years I've been a stay-at-home M for two I'm…

The Reason Knowing Your “Why” Is So Important

when you're buying stuff why are you buying it are you doing it because you're bored maybe because you're sad maybe because you think like okay this will fulfill me…

“We’ve Been Married 8 Years And He Refuses To Do This!”

he makes about 250,000 a year and refuses to give me um access to the finances we've been married for eight years I've been a stay-at-home M for two I'm…