He’s Not Sure He Wants a Baby, and I’m Running Out of Time

I'm getting a little emotional I'm in my early 40s um I've been in a long-term relationship and my boyfriend is not sure if he wants a baby and I I want a baby I'm running out of time and my question is I don't know if I should um take out loans to be able to even just start the process and afford like egg retrievals or if I should get a second job I just feel like honestly kind of like trapped and I'm not sure what to do wow I'm so sorry women that are yes that are at your point and they freeze their eggs you know they kind of go through a process to say you know can I you know freeze time for a little bit while it kind of buys you time have you how much is all of that have you looked into all that cost-wise I've met with a fertility clinic and will be about like $70,000 this is an emotional and a very important topic cuz nothing's more important to me than babies I love babies and so I want you to do this but I want you to do it in wise way not in a way that cuz 70,000 is not the number get a second op and I would get you need to get six more opinions yeah you need to go shopping on this kiddo IVF on here many many times at 7500 to 125 in there not 70 grand that number is not right I want you to check and then you got to decide about your relationship issues and how you're going to go forward with all that too

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