[Music] hey you guys so the state of the economy is constantly changing but the temptation to overspend is always a constant Factor no matter what the headlines are saying which is why I want to share today five easy habits that you can start implementing today to keep you on track with your money goals so make sure to hit that subscribe button and we will get started all right first and foremost make things visual meaning when you actually see what you're spending you're going to feel it a little differently versus if it's just up in the in the cloud meaning back in the day when you would use actual cash and you visually saw how much money you were spending you know on groceries or at the mall or whatever wherever it was you actually saw real money leave your hands and stats always showed that you spent less when you spent with extal cash and I really believe there was a power in visually seeing your money leave now we are living in our world today where it's becoming more and more harder to use cash so people are not using it as much so I want to be able to encourage you to find another way to make things visual when you're spending your money so that could be keeping receipts that could be tracking transactions in the every doll app uh whatever it is looking at your bank statements I mean I want you to visually see where your money is going because again when you're just swiping a card even a debit card but you're just swiping thinking okay yep I mean I think I have enough in my account and you just move along your day it's really really hard to emotionally realize gosh I really am spending money but when you are tracking that transaction in the every dollar app you know that's how much I spent at Costco which I did today that you know this is what I spent here or there and you actually are seeing money being moved around in the budget knowing that that is actual dollars and sense and so I think that emotional part is really really important and so if you're working toward WS a specific Financial goal keep a chart on the refrigerator even for your milestones and say yeah you know here visually here's where we're at a lot of people do this when they're paying off debt you know they'll create like a like a line and they'll color in the line till they get to the end or people will do rings and they'll rip off a ring every thousand they pay off or maybe you're saving towards something and so you color in a graph I mean that happens all the time because people are doing it because it's so helpful and it's motivating when you actually see your money visual in in this world that is so digital the second is to wait and I always talk about this because so much of overspending can come just from the adrenaline of shopping right when you are shopping stuff is happening even chemically in your body we get excited it's so fun it's like our brain kind of shuts off and we're just spending money and shopping and you end up overspending when your emotions take over but when you wait even just go to bed and then the next day relook at your purchases it it is amazing when those emotions die down to realize okay I may not really need this or what I even do is just add things to cart and then I'll come back a day or two later and half the stuff I swear in the cart I'm like yeah I don't really want that I don't really need that but when you're in the moment it's so instant and again you're going to tend to overspend so when you wait and actually say okay you know do I want this or do I not I think it's really key I just did this recently with Target and sadly I did not follow my own advice recently because I saw these pair Target boots I was like oh those are cute so I added them to my cart and then I saw another pair that was rounded toe not pointed and I was like oh those may work too and then I saw some brown ones and then I saw ones with a different heel and I was like oh that literally bought four pairs of boots had them delivered got them and I was like what I don't need these I did keep two of them cuz I actually did want the brown and the black but I sent the other two back but if I had waited overnight honestly I don't think I would have had to go in in exchange or return things because I probably wouldn't have bought him in the first place so I have to say this to myself just wait don't be spontaneous when it comes to your spending all right before I share the rest of my tips I want to tell you about one of our sponsors Christian Healthcare Ministries so when you go against what Society thinks is normal like avoiding debt for example it might seem a little weird at first and that is totally okay it's good to be weird if that means that you're doing things intentionally including how you spend your Healthcare dollars and one way to be intentional is with Christian health care Ministries chm isn't health insurance they're a health cost sharing Ministry that's helped hundreds of thousands of families like yours take care of health care costs without sacrificing their freedom programs start as low as $98 a month find out more and join at chministries.org budget that's chministries.org budget all right number three is to say no to add-ons this is really going to help you not overspend so this could be things like oh you can get the shipping in 24 hours versus 5 to S business days you're going to spend more there or if you're buying and like well you get free shipping if you spend you know $18 more and then you go to buy something and everything is $25 plus you end up spending more just to get one item to get the free shipping even extended warranties you guys listen I mean a lot of those they will add on money and it sounds good in the moment but you end up not usually using them and you end up again adding on some extra dollars and cents and also travel insurance so this is something that people really debate on but depending on the situation you know there may be a chance that you're like yeah I'm not going to do travel insurance cuz maybe the trip is closer uh in time maybe it's something that you can cover or the hotel you know gives you like a 24-hour uh cancellation policy like whatever it is in your situation with your travel you may not need travel insurance and that will save you money as well all right number four is to take inventory of what you already have so go look in your pantry before you go grocery shopping go look in your closet or even your friend's closet if you're needing like a cute dress for a party don't feel like you have to go and buy something maybe you have something that is in your closet now or again ask a friend to borrow something and this also helps when debating a bigger purchase like a nice kitchen appliance that maybe you're thinking okay you know maybe I'll save up and pay for it try it out first and challenge yourself hey I do I actually use what I have already I mean even think about like a blender like you know they have like Vitamix like the really nice blender but if you don't use your regular blender now are you going to use a blender right or an air fryer like all this stuff especially in the kitchen all these gadgets if you're not using it now anyways if you have like a similar version then don't upgrade to a nicer one if you're not going to use it and this is so key because when you don't overspend you actually have margin in your budget and this is why I love my 24-hour Money Finder so make sure to check it out I'll put a link down below but this is going to help you go through your money situation and in 24 hours find you some extra money all right last but not least write it down to not overspend write it down and have a plan on what you're doing so the grocery store is a great example of this have a list know exactly what you need for what you're making that week or in those couple of days and just say this is all I'm buying or even if you go to Target be like okay you're buying you know a birthday gift diapers bananas and sh shampoo like I like whatever the thing is like this is what we're buying and nothing else I'm not going to go get a new throw blanket or a candle no we are sticking to the plan and again it's kind of back to that making it visual idea that when you actually know this is the plan and I'm sticking to this versus having everything in your head it is really really helpful and sometimes it helps to give yourself a time limit as well so you're not just aimlessly wandering through aisles if you're shopping in person all right speaking of Target you have to watch my episode all about the seven Target hacks you're missing out on coming up next share this episode with a friend who loves a good Frugal tip and remember to take control of your money and create a life you love